Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas, 2011

In the beginning, God made a perfect world. Have you noticed how every detail of nature is carefully created and intricately formed to work together in a miraculous way? I am in awe of His creation, continuously amazed by the beauty and the flawless nature of His work. When I look at the sun, moon and stars, or the glorious beauty of a wintry sky; when I feel the velvety dew of falling snow, or get a tiny glimpse of the rolling mountains or the vastness of a splashing sea, I remember His sovereignty and greatness.
But even more astounding is this. When humanity marred God’s beautiful world by choosing sin over obedience, death over life, darkness over light…He still made a way. Only God could have come up with a plan to become one of us, so that he could save us. Sometimes I think it would be good if we would just pinch ourselves and realize what God has done for us. He became a vulnerable little baby, laying down his rights as God, to die for us.
God has redeemed the world. God has put into place “Plan B.” Only God can make the redemption of the original plan even more beautiful than the first. More than just creating good, God made something wonderful because of something bad. That is who God is….continuously redeeming His creation. He enters into our story wherever we open the door, and starts His amazing work of redemption. He has “Plan B, C, D, E”…..and on and on….until His work in us is complete.
“Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.” Isaiah 40:26
My prayer this Christmas is that we will lift our eyes above this world to heaven. May we allow the God who created the stars and called them each by name…to “redeem” our lives. May He call our name and enter or continue, wherever we are, replacing our story with His story, offering a second chance, a beautiful redemptive plan. God bless you and your family and your home this Christmas!


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