Saturday, October 9, 2010

Passageway to New Life

Isaiah 43:19
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

My word for 2010 has been to "listen." Early in the year I felt God saying to me that He wanted me to take this year to seek Him, to approach Him with an ear rather than a voice, to simply listen for His voice and direction. During this time I have been reading through the Bible and wanting with all my heart to really recognize His voice when He speaks to me.

As I read through the New Testament, I paid particular attention to the very first things and the very last things Jesus did in His own ministry. As He entered in to His public ministry, the very first thing He did was be baptised by John in the Jordan River. Since I had not been baptised with water, I wanted to be baptised like Jesus was. Jonathan and Jeremy were both baptised during their Discipleship Training School in Australia, so I was drawn to the idea of being baptised while I was in Australia by Jonathan.

Looking back over my life, each 20 years was a season for me. The first 20 years, my springtime, was filled with health, hope and happiness. My parents and grandparents, my church, Bible School, friends and family poured a joyful flood of memories over my life which created a foundation, based and rooted in the Kingdom of God that has resulted in an unshakable faith. For me, following Christ as His disciple was as natural as breathing. "For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required" from Luke 12:48. I have been given so much and do not take lightly the responsibility that comes with such a priceless gift. Right before I turned 20 years old, Tom and I were married.

The next 20 years was summertime. Life was filled with pride, prosperity and promise for the future. I finished nursing school, Tom was called to preach, finished college and seminary, our ministry together was successful and fruitful, Jonathan, Christi Anna and Jeremy were born. Friendships were rich, home was heaven, life was good.

During autumn, the beginning of the third 20 years, things began to shatter. I entered into a season of falling, floundering, and failure. My marriage fell apart and my children had to endure the pain of a broken home, which resulted in distraction, disillusionment and disintegration. Through pain and brokenness, waivering children, illness of aging parents, I found myself regrouping, rebuilding and the redemption of a God who proved to be all He claimed He was--my rock and fortress, strong deliverer--His faithfulness brought the beauty of restoration back to my life. By the end of autumn, His healing had sustained me, brought my prodicals back home, and added the bonus and sheer delight of Michael, Keldy, Nolan, Josiah, and Zachary. God doesn't do anything halfway--He trumped the bonus by calling all of my children into ministry, anointing them with passion and mission to build His kingdom just before the benchmark of the season to come.

So now it's winter. Maybe this won't be my last 20 years, but the clock is ticking.
As I enter this final season, regardless how long or short, I enter with newness of life. May this season be one of fulfillment, fun and fruitfulness. May my life be anointed for service. May I be bold in my witness, a rock in faith and and encourager and mentor for those who follow. May I walk into new heights, fearlessly, obediently and with anticipation. May I enter in to His rest, the joy of my Lord, the light of my salvation. May I know no limits to His love, His favor, and may my borders be stretched to the ends of the earth for the sake of His Kingdom.

And it is with this heart that I receive my the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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