Another thing that impacted me a lot was his crazy adoration of my mom... we never questioned that. It was a part of who he was. It was only secondary to his covenant with Jesus, and he never waivered in his faithfulness of either. He took care of her just like he took care of us. Something solid is formed in a child's mind and heart when there is a circle of love at home and the father takes his leadership role seriously.
My oldest grandson went to church camp this week. For the first time, he realized that not everyone had the fortune of a loving family home life. And it broke his heart. And it breaks my heart too. I wish all children had the kind of daddy that I have. I just know that there would be so much less pain in the world if that were true.
Because of who my dad is, my relationship with God has been rolled out like red carpet. My earthly dad has shown me what my heavenly Father is like. He knew how to give good gifts to his children and he did it often. It wasn't until I was grown that I realized we weren't wealthy. I grew up thinking I was the richest kid in the world. And I truly did have need of nothing.
Today, my dad has to depend on others for his total physical care. Yet in his heart of hearts, he is not anxious, fearful or angry. He simply rests. My sister and I often get undue accolades because we care for him in his home. Really? We are the ones who are truly honored to still be in his sweet presence. Even now, his blessing to family, friends and caregivers is a treasure that is a rare gem!
Happy Father's Day, Dads! Rise to the occasion! You can change the world just by being a godly dad!
Amen! What a wonderful, blessed gift to have a godly father. Our world would be so different if more men sought our heavenly Father's character and loved Him like your Dad.